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About us
Formerly known as SouthWestern, Capita Customer Solutions was acquired by Capita in 2014. Capita is the largest business process outsourcer in the UK, listed on the FTSE 100 Index. Our goal is simple: to help our wide range of public and private sector clients improve service to their customers. We deliver multilingual business services that range from managing complex processes to more specialised support. That provides our employees with the opportunity to work for various clients and develop expertise in many disciplines.
Attractive salary package
Green Horizon office building Lodz, ul. Pomorska 106 Entrance B2, 6th floor.
Investment in people
Roles for which we frequently recruit
Future Positions
If you want to submit a speculative job application to Capita Customer Solutions, please forward an up-to-date CV to rekrutacja@capitacustomersolutions.ie and we will be happy to review your application and keep your details on our database for future positions.
CAPITA Customer Solutions:
Phone number: +48 42 288 07 37